1. I had my first surgery at two weeks old because I had pyloric stenosis. I could return my lunch to a target three feet away.

  2. When I was two I rolled off a dock into the lake at my grandmother’s house. Fortunately my cousin was right there to feel around in the murky water for me to keep me from drowning.

  3. At three years old I completely ignored my mother’s warning to stay away from the batter while my siblings and cousins played softball. I ended up with nine stitches in my lip.

  4. When I was eight I was rushed home from Frontier Camp to have an emergency appendectomy. I blamed it on the peanut butter at camp because it didn’t taste like the peanut butter at home.

  5. I once climbed into my grandfather’s car which was parked in front of our house on a sloped street and slipped it into neutral. My grandfather could run pretty fast.

  6. My first experience with streaking happened on my tricycle. I later realized that the props just slowed me down.

  7. I have broken my right collarbone 4 times and my left one once.

  8. When I was a kid we had a pet skunk named Zebedee. Once when my parents were having a big cookout with a bunch of friends from church, I hid Zebedee behind the garage. I let him go right when everybody sat down to eat. People really freak out when they see a skunk, and even more so when you walk up to one and pick it up.

  9. I love to play drums, guitar and piano. The name of my first band in high school was The Magic Rats. We later changed it to the much cooler, much tougher sounding Nightwatchmen. Other band names have been Holiday Romance, Big Rain, and The Gun Shy Dogs.

  10. My wife Jill can trace her ancestry back to Isaac Allerton who came over on the Mayflower. I can trace mine back to a traveling medicine show pitch man.

  11. I love football. I start counting down the days to opening kickoff the day after the Superbowl. I am so glad that Jill likes football because I would hate to have to give her up.

  12. If I am going to be on a bike I would rather be exercising my hand on the throttle than my legs on the pedals.

  13. I am so glad my kids never got into The Wiggles.

  14. The first concert ticket I ever bought was to see Rush at the Cumberland County Civic Center in Portland, Maine. It cost $8. My parents wouldn’t let me go because I didn’t ask permission first. My brother later gave me a ticket for my birthday to see them at Boston Garden.

  15. I once made my own beer.

  16. I am a different person behind the wheel of a car. I often wonder how it can be that I am the only person out there who realizes it’s a race.

  17. The first big trip out of Maine I ever took was to Canton, Ohio to the Football Hall Of Fame.

  18. My favorite guitar players are David Gilmore and Nigel Tufnel.

  19. When I first moved to Nashville I was very conscious of how I pronounced “ah”. I mean “r”.

  20. Can’t remember if there was anything more fun as a kid than taking the .22 out to the gravel pit and shootin’ up bottles and cans. Oh yeah, there was playing football! The cause of two of the broken collarbones by the way.

  21. I lied about my ancestry on #10 but the part about Jill’s is true.

  22. I love being a part of the worship team at The Church At Woodbine. Just about the friendliest bunch of people I have ever come across. Come visit us at 29 Whitsett Rd, Nashville, TN 37210!

  23. I’ve had a lot of good spills in my life. The best one was falling into a stairwell. All of me that is except for my left foot which stayed up on the floor and ended up being pinned to the back of my head. Somehow I came out of that one unscathed.

  24. I think coding is just about the coolest thing ever. I’ll be so glad when the gap between my passion for it and my ability isn’t so big!

  25. I never thought I could be as happy as I was on February, 29, 1992. Yet here I sit even happier. And it’s not just because I only have to buy my wife an anniversary gift every four years.